If the finger is swollen after a severe injury, make sure it's not broken. The first signs of a closed bone injury include sharp pain, bleeding, rapid swelling, local temperature (red), impaired motor activity. In any doubtful case, attach to a finger, a pencil (or any similar object, but no longer than a finger) and secure it with a bandage. Created a fixed position will prevent all possible complications. After first aid, consult a doctor.

When swollen finger associated with inflammation of the joint, apply a topical treatment with agents that have anti-inflammatory action. And besides using the medical examination will determine the cause of inflammation can be metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, allergies or due to injury. To relieve inflammation with the joint on the finger, use compresses, lotions, and body wraps.

A good way to eliminate inflammation of the joint are honey cakes. For their preparation take a teaspoon of thick honey, add the flour and knead well to form a mass like dough. Then give it a pellet form and attach to the joint. Cover a cotton cloth and secure with a bandage. Do this process at least 3 weeks every day (if not for the whole day – do it at night).

As lotions and compresses to reduce inflammation of the joint use chamomile decoction, pulp of grated raw potatoes, fresh pulp of the aloe leaf. Attach one of the tools to the site of edema. Top cover with cellophane and secure with a bandage. Leave for a few hours, then change to the new compress.

If the finger is swollen due to the integrity of the skin - abrasions, paresis, unsuccessful treatment cuticle or ingrown toenail led to the abscess (purulent inflammation) use disinfectants. These include hydrogen peroxide (3%) and furatsilina. After processing one of the means apply to the inflamed area of the skin streptocide ointment. On the moist surface is damaged it is better to use powder streptotsida. Cover the top with gauze and fix it with bandage. Change the dressing twice a day.

When inflammation without damaging the skin, apply the liniment Vishnevsky. It promotes the resorption of infiltrates (seals). In addition, use lotions from herbs and pulp of potatoes.

If all taken measures do not bring a positive result, contact your doctor. In some cases recovery is possible only by combining drug therapy with traditional medicine.