What diseases of the sinuses are the most common
Usually diseases of the sinuses associated with inflammation of the lining of the mucous membranes, which develops on the background of infection or allergic rhinitis. Inflammation called sinusitis and can be localized in one, several or all sinuses. Depending on the nature of the disease distinguish between acute, recurrent and chronic sinusitis. The disease can affect the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), frontal (front), wedge (sphenoidal) and lattice labyrinth (etmoidit).
Causes, symptoms and treatment of diseases of the sinuses
Sinusitis develops as a result of inflammation triggered by viral or bacterial infection. Sometimes the source of infection be the back upper teeth, affected by the inflammatory process. When sinusitis in the maxillary cavity accumulates fluid, which causes pressure pain in infraorbital region and in the forehead. Treatment of sinusitis is aimed at relieving swelling of the mucous membrane, removal of abnormal secretions and the restoration of normal ventilation of the maxillary sinuses. For this purpose, use antibiotics, vasoconstrictor and antihistamines.
Sinusitis caused by the same reasons as sinusitis. This disease is characterized by severe headache in the forehead, appearing in the morning, difficulty breathing and intense purulent discharge from the nose. Treatment of sinusitis is similar to the treatment of sinusitis. Sometimes you may need the opening of the frontal sinus for the removal of accumulated fluid.
Sphenoidal or inflammation of the sphenoid sinus is rare and is characterized by headaches in the parietal and occipital part of the head. Sometimes the inflammation takes the optic nervethat can cause vision loss. For the treatment prescribed vasoconstrictors and irrigation of the sphenoid sinus cavity with solutions of antibiotics.
Etmoidit often develops on the background of inflammation of the other sinuses and cause the patient headaches and pain in the nose. Treatment of ethmoiditis conservative, in some cases, you may need surgery to dissection of the ethmoid bone to remove purulent secretion.