Where to learn English online

Unfortunately, to learn English in school at a high enough level it turns out not many. Despite the fact that it passes through the entire program, with primary school graduates leave the institution with minimal, basic knowledge. So we have later to look for language courses on the Internet.

Busuu.com there are interactive lessons and dictionaries. There is an opportunity to learn the native language and other than English to learn another eleven foreign languages, among which there are Polish and Arabic.

Lingualeo.com - a full immersion in the language environment. The site has interactive lessons, movies and TV shows. The founders of the project promise to provide individual teaching and accelerated learning of English.

Сatchenglish.ru - specializiruetsya on phrasal language learning. The website also offers a lot of training literature.

English-polyglot.com unique resource, there is a generator of phrases, lessons polyglot Petrov created in a fun and memorable manner, as well as excerpts from films which deal more interesting.

Homeenglish.ru - offers free online tutorials and a large selection of books for download, including audio material, textbooks and dictionaries, bilingual books.

Of course, interesting sites much more because English is the most common. Work on multiple resources at the same time, will improve learning efficiency and faster to achieve results.

How to consolidate the knowledge

When learning to use educational literature, which is available for download in electronic form, to listen to the audio course or study online tutorials on various sites. However, much more effective and fun through the training in the playful form, view video tutorials and to consolidate their knowledge by passing tests. A huge benefit in learning brings movies in the original language.

At the absorption minimum to communicate the vocabulary, you should go to their adoption in practice. This requires communication with native speakers. You can use social networks, Dating sites or specialized services. To one of these sites belongs sharedtalk.com the most well - known and popular resource, designed to improve the knowledge. Here to communicate people from different countries, of different ages. Made friends with any user if you wish to continue communication via Skype, social networks or meet in person.