What to do shelving in the pantry?
Since the pantry decided to store very heavy items (repair tool, canned vegetables, old appliances), the rack must be durable and sustainable. This design consists of four pillars and located between the shelves.
Supports may be made of a metal area with a rib width of 2.5-3 cm or timber section 4/5 or 5/5, see the height of the rack can be different, up to the ceiling. Dimensions depend on the size of the storage room. If the room is small, it is recommended to take under the rack no more than 2/3 of its area, otherwise it will be inconvenient to get and store things.
More convenient to operate the rack, a support which is made from the metal bracket. In this case, you do not have to build additional bracing for the shelves: they fit directly on the metal ribs. It is sufficient to weld the side rail. But for installation of this design will require a welding machine, electrodes, skill to operate such equipment.
To make wood shelving for storeroom?
It is considered that the high quality wooden rack shall withstand not less than 150 kg of weight. This design flawlessly will last for many years. It can be placed along a wall or make a corner. In any case, for its production will require a strong wood.
Bars for supports should be made of strong wood: oak, beech, birch, aspen, hornbeam, etc. are All design details need to be processed with preservative with antiseptic property. This will prevent premature failure of the bars from excessive moisture and exposure to bacteria. To support not problems in the process of operation of the rack, they should be qualitatively astrogate and polished.
For shelves, you can use water-resistant plywood with a thickness of 4 mm, OSB, particle Board, DVL. The more weight things that are to be placed on the rack, the thicker must be the fabric shelves. They can glue self adhesive film "sheathing" oilcloth, paint. This will allow to more efficiently remove dust and dirt.