Even if the work is tired and does not bring pleasure and joy, it can be dealt with. The important thing is to find the reasons for this state of Affairs. The employee was able to tire, process, to stress not to join a new team, become a party to the conflict, to love the other activity, to rethink their priorities in life. We have to act depending on what happened in his mind, life and career.

Change the atmosphere at work

When an employee works for a long time in one place or engaged in one activity, he is tired, which is quite a natural process. In this case you can simply ask to change your job to work on another project, to shift part of the work of the assistant, and to take on new challenges. These changes are not changing workplace, so you will be familiar with the working principle and General requirements for the performance of tasks, yet even this small change of activity will inhale in you new forces and will increase the motivation. In this case, you can even ask for a transfer to another Department or replaced at the time of the employee on leave.

In the event of a conflict in the team as soon as possible to stop it, or step back and not participate in the office confrontation. At this time it is unpleasant to be in the workplace, the situation around a tense and every day more and more exhausting, but all the conflicts sooner or later must end. It is better to entrust the solution of the conflict to the head of the Department or company.

In the case of General tiredness from work ask for the vacation at least two weeks forget about the existence of reports, drawings or graphs. At this time it is best to go to a place where you have never been, to get positive emotions and cheerfulness before returning to work.

Change the place of work

However, the work may be bored to such an extent that the employee no longer wants to see neither the company nor any of their colleagues or even their usual and have already studied the documents, transactions, customer, reports. Then there is only one solution - to change jobs or even to radically change their activities to do something new and as yet unknown. No need to fear the lack of experience, or my own age, after all, only doing what you like, you can be truly happy and satisfied man. Why suffer at a job that causes me nothing but negative emotions? No wonder the psychologists are advised to change jobs every 4-5 years - so the employee does not have time to get tired of everyday life he constantly learns new things and develops her skills.