In the Russian language there are three types of conversion: substantivation, adjectival and adverbialization. Substantivation is the transition of speech from the category of adjectives in the category of nouns. Nouns become adjectives such as sick, clairvoyant, duty, etc.

Under adjectivale refers to the transition of words in the category of adjectives. As a rule, verbs and verb forms (participles) used a conversion base for the formation of this kind of adjective: effeminate, trained, published, closed, etc.

Adverbialization involves the transfer of words from other parts of speech into the category of adverbs. For example, the words "beautiful", "youthful", "cool" can be both adjectives and adverbs depending on context and purpose statements.

You should pay attention that the conversion of the words in their new importance and grammatical properties of one or another part of speech into which they were transformed. For example, the noun "wounded". If you try to induce on cases that word, it turns out – wounded, wounded, wounded, wounded, wounded, wounded.

These types of conversion are present, and in the French language. Examples of substantively are the words: le RAE (past), le beau (beauty). Adverbialization was subjected to the following adjectives: parler haut/bas (speak loudly/quietly), sentir bon/mauvais (to feel good/bad), aller droit/gauche to go right/left). Naturally, in most cases, the sacrament of the French language be the object of adjectively. For example, gisant (lying down), dénué (devoid of anything), etc.

The conversion is a characteristic feature of word formation in English. Some grammaticly believe that the phenomenon of conversion in the English language arose due to the scarce number of affixes. Others tend to assume that the conversion is driven by the desire to save. Why use an extensive Toolkit of suffixes and prefixes when you can just add the article to the noun and to verb. For example, help (assistance) – to help (to help), foot (leg) to the foot (to walk), vodka (vodka) – to vodka (drink vodka). This method of word formation is called verbalization and present in English language along with other types of conversion, which have already been discussed above.

Examples of substantively can be found in abundance in the English language: a savage (the savage/the stranger), a relative (kinsman), a private (owner), a Russian (Russian), an American (American). These nouns become nouns by adding the definite article to the adjective. This type of conversion is called partial conversion because it adds the additional element, a as the article.

Partial conversion of the characteristic and the formation of adverbs, and formation of adjectives. For example, a dead man (dead), a blind woman (blind). This feature of the English language due to the fact that the use of adjectives without nouns are not allowed.