The most problematic types of dracaena marginata and are considered to be the Bamboo of Happiness, but also other types of this plant are susceptible to various diseases. The cause of ailments dracaena can be very different.


The first reason is rightly considered to be low humidity in the room. The flower of this species is considered to be a southern plant, adapted for the tropical climate and the humidity in the air must be at least 60-70%. In apartments humidity is usually lower, especially in winter, hot radiators and heaters dry and heat it, the humidity typically drops to 20%, and this reflects poorly on plants. Therefore, growers are advised to additionally humidify the air, regularly spray the room, which houses plants, you can also buy a special humidifier or just put a container of water near the battery, the water will evaporate and raise the humidity.

However, there are other causes of such ailments dracaena. Bad or improper watering can also bring a flower in poor condition. Remember that this flower should be watered only when the earth in the pot becomes dry. However, don't abuse it, water the dracaena once a week, not more and not less.


A third reason for the poor state of the flower can become, oddly enough, a simple draft in your room. Especially dangerous it can be winter or late fall, so don't keep plants on the window. Dracaena really can get sick from exposure to cold, in fact, to catch a cold.

In order to prevent such unpleasant consequences, just follow the basic rules of care for a dracaena and it will always delight your eyes. Keep it in bright but diffused light, maintain the correct temperature, monitor humidity in the house, not preobladaet the earth in the pot.


If despite all efforts your dracaena still looks dull and devitalized, try to perform your maintenance. Perhaps the reason for the malaise of the flower lies in the fact that he lacks vitamins. Consult with experienced growers try out different fertilizers for houseplants.

Limp leaves and stunted growth - a sign that the flower closely in the pot, so transplant it carefully in spacious pots. To do so, preferably in early spring, and as the soil is to use landless mixture.

Lower leaves of dracaena and after transplanting, rooting it will be at least a week, if after this period its former elasticity and brightness is not returned, you need to use a growth stimulant.