The need for new technology in education

In order to realize creative and cognitive activity of the student in educational process it is necessary to apply modern educational technologies which enable the most effective use of training time. These technologies are focused on individualization of the educational process and its variability.

Range of teaching techniques used in schools today, is quite broad. They allow the teacher to consolidate knowledge and skills and practice their application in different areas of social and individual activities of each student. Modern educational technologies allow to develop analytical thinking and promote the ability of students to plan their learning. The use of innovative techniques develops the habit to follow the requirements of discipline in the classroom.

With the introduction of modern educational technologies teachers can make productive use of class time, while achieving the highest knowledge among students.

Types of modern educational technologies

Problem-based learning is based on creating learning activities in a variety of problem situations that should activate the independence of the students. As a result, developing analytical and creative skills and abilities.

Multi-level training enables the teacher to help weak students and strong focus. This technique causes the more able students a desire to further advance in education, and other students are experiencing academic success, which increases motivation.

Project teaching methods to develop creativity of students, make them more conscious approach to professional and social self-determination.

Research teaching methods enable students to study issues of interest and suggest ways of solution.

The essence of group learning to teaching a new subject to based on the capacity of the student, not from the demands of the curriculum. When group learning is widely used psycho-pedagogical diagnosis of personality.

In high school used lecture and a scoring system. It gives the opportunity for students to prepare for study at the University. The essence of this system is to give knowledge in a single block, and their control to carry out preliminary preparation of the students.

System innovative assessment portfolio based on the formation of individual records of student progress as a tool determining the direction of personal development.

Information and communication technology is the unlimited enrichment of knowledge through the use of computer and the Internet.

The introduction into education of new techniques and technology does not mean the abolition of traditional teaching methods. Innovations are an integral part of the entire educational process.