The public is the acronym from the term "public page". Users of the social network who have subscribed to such a page are referred to as subscribers public. Originally the social network "Vkontakte" there was only a group community who gathered people with the same interests. In such groups you can create discussion topics, upload photos, videos, music and documents. You may write any word or brief message on the wall, attach pictures. The public is, in fact, a derivative of the group, but lightweight nature, format, sort of a mini-blog for everybody else.

Why the need for the public?

The public stands at the crossroads of a full-fledged group with multiple open topics where users Express their opinion about something, discuss, share experiences, and Twitter, which allows only short messages and pictures. The main objective of the public information: as soon as possible to tell its visitors about the interesting event, share the news. The format of the public is a good idea because it can go to anyone, whereas groups can be closed. Therefore, the public and called a public page – it is open to all.

The main place for public transmission of information is his wall. There is no such great importance to the discussion topics. And the General public for the most part were not created for discussion and for reading information or seeing pictures and comics. In the public as well as in groups, you can migrate to the wall of the recording or video. On some public pages are open comments, but not all. The topics for discussion in the public is given the second place you can see in the right sidebar, where albums with photos.

Dissemination of information to the public

Information among users distributed not only through the wall of the public, but also through reposts of interesting news other users or communities. So through the pages of friends or other groups about the public can read and those who had not heard and didn't even look for information through search. This allows public page to interest more and more people, becoming popular. All this is doable only if a public page appears relevant, useful and interesting to users of the information.

The pages are displayed on the page of each user under his photo. The five most popular of them are constantly on the mind of other users, which can log into the page to friends and acquaintances. For holders of public pages this is an additional advantage over groups: their community appears in sight from other users and repost along with leads to additional subscribers.