The disease is long-lasting and can develop over several years. The symptoms gradually become more severe and often lead to dementia.

Cortical atrophy is most affects people older than 50 years, but violations may be congenital in nature due to the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Examples of a process that affects both hemispheres of the brain are Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. Full dementia observed in pronounced form of atrophy. Foci of destruction that has a small size, often do not affect mental abilities.

The reasons for the development

Causes of cortical atrophy are complex. The formation of senile dementia following factors:

- changes in blood supply to the brain tissues because of the low throughput of blood vessels that is characteristic of atherosclerosis;

- poor uptake of oxygen, leading to chronic ischemic phenomena in the nerve tissue;

genetic predisposition to atrophic phenomena;

- the deterioration of the regenerative abilities of the organism;

- reduction of mental stress.

Sometimes atrophic phenomena develop in adulthood. The reasons for such changes can be accompanied by swelling of the brain injury, chronic exposure to toxic substances (alcohol), tumors or cysts, transferred neurosurgical operation.


Manifested symptoms of the disease depend on the stage of the lesion of the cerebral cortex and the prevalence of pathological process. There are several stages in the development of atrophy of the brain:

- asymptomatic stage, during which the existing neurology associated with other diseases (stage 1);

- the emergence of periodic headaches and dizziness (stage 2);

- violation of intellectual and analytical ability, altered speech, habits, and occasional handwriting (stage 3);

- stage 4 there is a violation of a small motility of hands and coordination of movements — a sick man may forget the basic skills (use of toothbrush, the purpose of the TV remote);

- inappropriate behavior and the inability to adapt to social life (the final stage).


Medication-related atrophy of brain pathology is the use of medical drugs, which include:

- means of improving blood circulation and brain metabolism (for example, "Piracetam", "Cerepro", "Ceraxon", "Cerebrolysin"). The supplementation of this group leads to a significant improvement of cognitive abilities;

- antioxidants that have a stimulating effect on regenerative processes that slow down the brain atrophy and stimulate the intensity of metabolism, reacting with free radicals of oxygen;

- drugs that improve blood circulation. Often prescribe the drug "Trental", which has vazodilatiruushimi effect and increases the lumen of capillaries.

Sometimes the disease requires symptomatic therapy. For example, if the patient are headaches, given oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Also in the treatment process you need to follow the neuro-psychological condition of the patient. Required moderate physical activity, systematic Hiking in the fresh air. If the patient's condition can be classified as neurotic, a doctor recommended the reception of light sedatives.