1. Put a specific goal. Success comes to those who firmly knows what he wants. If your goal is too global, break it into several microtesla and achieve complete each item.

2. Plan and meditate. Use any spare moment to plan your following steps. And when you get down to business, you know what to do.

3. Bring it all to the end. The main characteristic of successful people – completed projects. You can stop halfway to the goal for different reasons – because of difficulties due to laziness, lack of motivation, or even, for some reason. But we should not retreat halfway. On the other hand, if the task is too much for you, you are overtaken by a series of failures – it is better to recede while and not to like ass, smashing against the wall.

4. Don't give up before difficulties. As Nietzsche said, "whatever does not kill us makes us stronger". Difficulties only strengthen the character. If you set a goal, you will not stop any difficulties. And overcome obstacles – a new experience for successful plans.

5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are also experience. Success does not come by itself. For success you have to pay failures. As liked to repeat Edison at the next failure, "I now know 99 ways how not to invent the light bulb. It remains to find 1 way to do it."

6. Do not despair under any circumstances. Despair, lack of hope, lack of faith in themselves – losers. Successful people are optimists who look to the future with hope and don't blame yourself for past mistakes.

7. Don't blame others for their failures. Their failures were only responsible for you. It's bad form to blame their troubles on others. Think about why you failed to achieve success, draw conclusions and make yourself better.

8. Don't be afraid to start over. If you start second, third or even the hundredth time – it's not from scratch. Do you have experience how to do is no longer necessary. So to start "from scratch" in any case, will not work. Just don't repeat past mistakes.

9. Don't beat yourself up for the past. It is not necessary to dig "dirt" of past failures. So you will never appear confidence. Of course, mistakes should not be ignored. It is better to draw conclusions as them in the future to avoid, and remember at leisure is a success.

10. Job sequentially. Do not handle a hundred things at once – you are Julius Caesar. It is proven that the human brain doesn't handle multitasking. So better quality to finish one thing and then taken for more. And success will come.

11. Give the work a certain time every day. If you have a goal, e.g., writing the coolest blog on computer topics, pay to writing posts for a certain time every day. Notify neighbors that you are working, say, 1 hour from 19.00 to 20.00, so they didn't bother you, and really work at this time. Only consistency will help you to complete the job – and to succeed.

12. Start with the draft. If you fail to do something "fair copy" (for example, to prepare a business plan or to write a new Chapter of the book), this is not a reason to postpone the case. Write at least a draft. Next time will be a "base" upon which you will make "a fair copy".

13. Place your order in time, kill chronophage. Think how much time you spend on communication in social networks, games, conversations with neighbors, watching TV? Repair all this – and you will have time for real cases. Successful people appreciate every minute.

14. Read more. Yes, reading develops our mind. Reading good literature enriches not only our vocabulary but also develops the imagination and teaches the basics of human psychology. All this, of course, you need a successful person.

15. Feel free to ask. A successful leader is not a know – it-all, and one who is not afraid to ask and learn new things. Sometimes subordinates have a lot to teach his boss.

16. Continue his training. You graduated from high school and College – was that it? No, our time requires diversity. To succeed, you have to understand many things. Do not get hung up on one. Now a lot of different courses and seminars. Worth getting a couple of additional diplomas or even a degree.

17. If you don't want anything to do, no exercise! Not worth raping your brain. If the head wants to rest and relax. Listen to good music, watch interesting movies, walk with the family in the woods. Remember: from the work horses die. And you not the horse.

18. Eat right. The food must be balanced. Then the brain receives the necessary substances, and under the skin will not contribute anything extra. A healthy body is a healthy mind – and success!

19. Move more. You can even enroll to the gym. Well, or run in the mornings around the house. Most of the successful people lead a healthy and active lifestyle. And no bad habits!

20. Involve your friends and acquaintances. Tell us about your goals and plans of others, ask about their goals. Maybe you will be able to help each other? It will only be good – you have the rest of the team. As a team to achieve success easier.

21. Don't do the work just for the money. Money – lack of motivation. Work should be fun. You must feel that the benefits to the people. Trash quickly bored.

22. Make your money work for you. If one of your goals is money, not worth it to hoard them and sit on them like a hoarder. Money should make money. Start them off in traffic, let the money will help you to achieve your goal and become successful.

23. Don't forget about yourself and your family. Everything you do must have a meaning. Your goal is not the meaning of your existence, your success is just element of a full life. The main focus needs to be on you and your family. And for whom you succeed?

24. Get rid of bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, the more addiction – the way to nowhere. With them, success is not achieved. All that you need to quit. And lead a healthy lifestyle!

25. To smile! If you will smile around you will attract. And you soul will be fine. And with joy in my heart to succeed easier!