Mate has a bitter, astringent taste and rich aroma. It is suitable for early Breakfast, and evening tea. Invigorating and increasing the level of adrenaline mate does not violate sleep, like strong coffee. On the contrary, in humans, daily consumption of mate tea increased vitality and greater strength, they need less time for rest and sleep. When this Mat has no load on the nervous system: its invigorating effect is due to vitamin A, the b vitamins, the hormones of joy, sulphur, magnesium, iron, calcium and sodium.
Thanks to its useful property of the mate regarded as a morning drink. Mix it with milk and you will feel satiety for a long time. Put a liter of milk average fat on the fire, bring it to a temperature of 60 degrees and pour in milk 4 tablespoons crushed leaves of mate. Bring the mixture to a boil but do not boil. Boil the milk, pour into a Cup, strain from the leaves. If the net mate bitter for you, sweeten it with honey or sugar. Two cups of milk mate is a composition of vitamins and minerals can replace a full Breakfast.
To cook traditional Latin mate, you will need a gourd – vessel, which prepares and from which they drink this drink. Pour into the dry mate gourd 2/3, cover the vessel with a hand and shake a few times, including in a circular motion. Tilt your gourd to mate formed a pile on the bottom of the vessel. Fill in the free space of the gourd with hot water (80 degrees). First pour quite a bit and let the water wet the leaves. A minute and repeat this action. Insert into kalabas bombero is a small metal tube for drinking mate. Bombiza should tightly touch the bottom; the second end of the plug with your fingers. The tube should be fixed. Then fill the gourd with hot water in a thin stream. When the leaves begin to appear on the surface, change the part in the fresh. To drink mate almost immediately after brewing.