Antiviruses can be divided into two groups: free and those for which charges have to pay money. Not going into detail of the effectiveness of the programmes of a particular group, it is possible to recommend to use powerful and free antivirus software. Is Microsoft Security Essentials, Avast, AVG, and other.
To install antivirus software on your computer, you'll need to download it. This is best done directly on the website of the developer. Click one of the links on the official website of antivirus vendors, and press the button "Download".If you chose a antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials, go to If you want to try Avast, you can download it here: if your choice is AVG, it can be found at www.
after clicking the Download button you will be prompted to select the location on your computer where you want to save the installation file. After you download the installation file, double-click it. This will start the setup wizard programs. You should agree with the proposed action and after some time the antivirus program is installed on your computer. After installation, the antivirus can easily download all the latest virus databases and will include automatic protection of your computer.