You will need
  • boat;
  • - tackle;
  • - bait.
Before starting fishing, you should find a good place. Better to spend the extra time than to fish where the fish are almost never. Look for any irregularities of the relief, the ideal place would be a ledge on the differential depths. Fit and pit. Depth try to pick up from a few meters more, as in shallow water of large bream comes rarely, usually in the morning.
The boat should be put on two anchors, it should not talking. Keep the bow or stern to the wind, to wave didn't hit in the side. The correct formulation of the boats is an art, so check out the Internet articles on this topic.
Be sure to provide the bait. Remember that it is not intended for feeding fish, as to excite its appetite. Therefore, the bait should be reasonably sufficient. Can be used as a ready shop, and cook it yourself. In the simplest case, the quality of bait you can use sliced white bread, but it would be proper to make a special mixture.
Great bait, made from hemp or sunflower cake and corn or wheat breadcrumbs. You can add fried until Golden brown Hercules, attracts bream and milk. Also add a little sugar or molasses. All solid components will chop. As flavorings use natural fruit essences.
The composition of the mixture make up to 80% of the ballast, they can serve ordinary river sand. It is best to take it directly to the waterfront. Such sand has a familiar fish smell. With the bait ballast mixed immediately before the beginning of fishing.
Tips for catching bream is very diverse, in every serious angler has their favorite options. Caught on bloodworms, maggots, earthworms, steamed grits, made according to various recipes for the dough, etc., etc. Picking up nozzle, the angler has a huge scope for creativity. The ability to understand that fish need at this pond and at this time of day, depends lion's share of success.
When fishing from the boat, you have to use special gear. Long rods are used when fishing from the shore, is superfluous. Best fit short in length to one meter. Many anglers successfully caught from a boat on a winter fishing rods. When buying, you should pick up the rod, not drowning in water. Use the line thickness to 0.3 mm. Hooks - No. 10, plus or minus two numbers.
Bait when fishing for bream should lie on the bottom. If you use the float, its position, adjust so that when lying on the bottom of the sinker and the hook with the bait he was in the water vertically, its tip peeking above the surface. The signal for the strike in this case will be its sharp ascent, as happens when the fish picks up from the bottom with the hook attachment. When fishing without a float, use the nod. The signal for the strike it will be sudden straightening.
When catching bream be sure to use a net. Bream is strong enough fish, so the task of the angler is to give him "breathe". If the head of the fish can be lifted above the water, the further the fish usually goes very smoothly – just pull the fish on its side on the water surface to the boat and pull the net.