First take interest in the work done. If you're not interested in the task, the inspiration you are unlikely to come down. For example, you decide to learn English, but I can't tune into it. Imagine in detail what will change in your life, when the goal is achieved: you will see new jobs, you will be able to read books in English, easily communicate with foreigners. Find creative ways of language learning, for example, embark on a journey.
Remember what inspired you in the past. Physicist Lev Landau, for example, new ideas are often visited in the company of beautiful women. Maybe under some circumstances you also work especially easy and interesting. Try to reproduce these circumstances, in order to catch again the inspiration.
Observe the rituals. Fyodor Dostoevsky worked after sunset, and the composer Brahms thoroughly clean your shoes before you start to compose music. To inspiration has visited you more often, create a special atmosphere. Then it will "know" when you are waiting for him.
Clear your mind. Learn to meditate or just relax deeply while listening to music or seeing something beautiful. If your head is constantly swarming thoughts, plans and doubt, inspired in this mess may not be the place to stay. Many geniuses, such as Nikola Tesla, claimed that their creations do not create themselves... Often people feel only a guide, drawing inspiration from some higher place. Some call it God, or universal mind, and someone thinks that the right decisions just pop up from the subconscious. But the fact is that the man who knows how to calm the mind, it is easier to find new solutions, thoughts, ideas, that is, to catch inspiration.
Listen to beautiful music. The ancient sages said that music creates a space to dwell in our souls, but modern scientists claim that it increases mental activity of man.
Get out into nature. The sea, winter forest, snow-capped mountain ranges and other untouched landscapes filled with harmony, which is often so lacking in the man. If you are not able to get out of town, take a leisurely stroll in a quiet Park. Do not go in thinking about work – just look around you'll appreciate how simple and perfect creations of nature.
If you find inspiration fails and the work (e.g. thesis) should be done, just give yourself installation to start work. Sit down and write the first word. Even if you don't know what you write, don't panic, don't reproach yourself in mediocrity and don't drop the case. Like Thomas Edison, genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent hard work.