Even if your face is carefully smoothed with the help of cosmetic or surgical procedures, these markers will give your age to the first comer in full. Today we will tell, especially displays real age women and how to deal with it.

Neck and decollete

The skin on the neck and decollete care needs no less than a person. Unfortunately, many forget about it, and for forty years the wrinkles on the neck and chest begin to detract from a youthful appearance well-groomed, smooth face. It is therefore important to ensure that those parts of the body, care not less than the skin. For this fit the same creams, masks and other cosmetics.

It is also very important to control posture and to choose the right pillow so during sleep, the skin on the neck is maximally suppressed. It is desirable to change the soft pillow on pillow - with an elastic roller that follows the contours of the neck. Perhaps the first week to sleep on it is not very comfortable, but when you get used, to fully feel its benefits. Because orthopedic pillow will provide not only smooth, but healthy neck that is also important for a healthy and beautiful woman.


Do you know that the star of Russian cinema Lyubov Orlova is very shy and the frostbite in his youth? Lyubov Petrovna was forced to almost constantly walk around with gloves on, and filming followed carefully to her hand not to hit the frame. Orlov knew very well that given the age almost in the first place, and fix aged skin on the hands is almost impossible. To thin skin aged before her time, take care of them each and every day. Use special creams and masks for hands or make them yourself. Do not do homework without gloves: for cooking thin wear - lycra or silicone surgical; for housekeeping or gardening work - household thick with internal cotton sputtering. Manicure is necessary for the owner, whose youth behind. Choosing a nail Polish, choose natural shades.


Thinning of lips hinder preparations made on the basis of beeswax and honey. To maintain the amount committed balms based on medicinal herbs, enriched with vitamins. And don't forget about massage: brushing your teeth, this toothbrush make a light massage of the lips.

Elbows and knees

Coco Chanel believed that a woman should not show her knees never. However, the times of the most fashionable Mademoiselle are long gone, and a firmly entrenched on the catwalks and in the minds. Nevertheless, the Covenant of Chanel is still relevant for those who are elegant age. The fact that these years rare lucky women can boast of nice knees - due to the fact that the skin on my knees is almost always in motion, she stretched, and with age and loses its elasticity. The same applies to the elbows. Caring for knees and elbows is regular rubbing nourishing creams and periodic treatment scrub.


Not "crow's feet" around the eyes and nasolabial folds that reveal our age first. Already by the age of 25, they form a fairly deep wrinkles, get rid of them is impossible without special salon procedures. The best way not to prevent, but much to delay the formation of deep wrinkles is a hand massage. And the movement is quite simple, does not require special skill. Only one consult a good cosmetologist to see this, and to massage yourself. Of course, the necessary basic care for skin.