You will need
  • The title of doctor of Sciences, some experience of research and teaching, a number of scientific publications, a certain number of students with scientific degrees.
Professor of the Sciences may become a teacher of the higher educational institution or the employee of the research Institute (research institutions), past a certain scientific and teaching way, has behind him a number of merits, works and discoveries. Academic titles can only be obtained in their specialties in science.
To qualify for academic rank of Professor in some scientific specialty, you must have the academic title of doctor of science, that is, to successfully defend a doctoral dissertation. Your continuous work experience on the profile should be at least two years.
You must carry out scientific and pedagogical activity not less than ten years and thus have a high pedagogical skills based on your academic achievements. This can be the management of the Department in higher educational institutions having the state accreditation, the writing of theses and term papers students under your scientific leadership, the PhD theses of your graduate students. You should read a volume of lectures on your subject at a high professional level.
At least five of your students have under your leadership to get advanced degrees, become supervisors or consultants. The number of published scientific papers and textbooks shall not be less than fifty. These may be monographs or textbooks, written in collaboration. At least five of them must be published after the defense of your doctoral thesis. It is desirable that you have experience of participation in scientific conferences.
When collected all the documents, held a preliminary meeting of the Department of scientific institutions where you are required to make a detailed report about your conducted scientific, educational, pedagogical and methodical work. If the report is successful and the Department will be a positive decision, the head of the Department will be submitted a memo to the rector of a higher educational institution. The rector, having considered it, will have to take a decision on awarding the academic title of Professor. In the case of assigning the academic title of Professor you will be issued a certificate of the uniform state sample.
The title of Professor is for life, so you don't lose it, retirement. However, in case of detection of violations in the order of receipt, the special Commission may decide on its withdrawal.