It is worth saying that the wine is not typical of Japan, this drink was alien to the land of the rising sun until the end of the 20th century. Only in the 70-ies in the local market appeared first wines, made in Japan.

Wine berry jam with rice

For the preparation of such an original fault in the Japanese style, you will need the following ingredients:
- jam 1 or 1.5 liters (fermented, spoiled),
rice 1.5 cups,
- 4.5 liters of water.

Mix the ingredients in a nonmetallic bucket and carefully perennite. When you realize that this estate is fully mashed and acquired relatively homogenous, pour it all into a bottle and close the cork or rubber glove.

The mixture should begin to ferment, taking a darker shade. The future of the wine should be left alone in a dark warm place, only to watch will have the intensity of the process, because it happens that the gas from the fermentation breaks the glove (which is almost all the time will be inflated) and pushes the contents of the container to the outside.
When draining, ensure that it is thick and muddy residue remained in the packaging, never use it.

After a month the wine should be removed, that's how much time it will take for the final cooking process. Usually the wine is poured into three-liter jar and leave for another day without closing the lid. At this time, the drink "breathes". A day later, safely pour and try, will experience quite a tart taste.

By the way, to speed up the process you can add yeast, then much faster you get ready the wine. However, connoisseurs affirm that a taste loses its astringency.

Wine Apple jam with rice

Apple jam 1 litre
- dirty rice 1 Cup
- 20 grams of yeast.

Take a five-liter jar, place it in jam, rice and yeast and pour warm water a little without bringing the liquid level to the brim. Thoroughly mix the mass, and close with a rubber glove after making a few punctures in it with a needle, so that the glove will not come loose during fermentation.

Put the jar in a dark warm place for about 3-4 weeks. The first 2 weeks the wine will actively ferment, after which it will become cloudy and will give the characteristic precipitate. Ready to drink only when the liquid will become transparent. Bottle of wine bottles, each adding a tablespoon of white sugar, leave for another week. Then you can taste it.