Look at the price. If a bottle of wine is very cheap, it's obviously not a real drink. The cost of one bottle depends on the grape variety, production technology, transportation distances and other factors, so too low price should guard. Most likely, this wine is produced from inferior raw materials and has various supplements designed to hide the low quality of the product.
Buy wine only proven stores, specialty alcoholic supermarkets, wine boutiques. In such places usually care about their reputation, so to sell a fake it is simply not profitable. And conditions to store created most suitable.
Prefer dry wine. Production technology it is so complex that to tamper with it difficult and unprofitable. But sweet and semi-sweet wines are most often really are low-cost counterparts. High concentration of sugar successfully disguises the contents in the fault side ingredients. In this case, to distinguish the taste of this drink is from a fake is very difficult only if you don't know exactly what set of organoleptic properties must have a specific type of wine.
Buy wine in bottles. The use of glass containers increases the final cost of the product, so many unscrupulous manufacturers more profitable to use a cardboard box.
Pay attention to the label on the bottle. It should be the full name of the wine extract, sugar, fine or table wine, where and who produced the wine. Also there should be an inscription "100% natural wine", if not, then before you drink wine.
Go wine tasting. Well, if you know what color it should be. You will be easier to determine a fake. If you lack such knowledge, please note that this wine leaves a finish after powder wine it is not. Fake wine is usually darker than the real thing. Good wine has a delicate and pleasant aroma, and adverse odors will indicate that to you or a fake or defective product.
You can check the wine for authenticity without opening the bottle. Grab the bottle and sharply turn it upside down. At the bottom should stay sediment. If it is small and it is tight, then you have a good drink. If the precipitate is loose and it a lot, it is better to refuse to purchase such wine.
Please note on the cork while opening the bottle. If she shrivelled, blackened, has a musty smell the wine before you present, but it was kept in the wrong conditions. Therefore, most likely, the drink is ruined, and it is better not to drink.
Add a glass of wine a few drops of glycerin. If it drops to the bottom and will remain colorless, the wine present. If the drink has some impurities, the glycerin will acquire a yellow or reddish tinge.