You will need
  • - bar.;
  • - weights for the hull.
Pull-UPS allow you to use simultaneously a large number of muscle groups, this in turn activates the growth hormone that leads to the accelerated increase in muscle mass. However, this only works with proper technique pull-UPS.
Grasp the bar at shoulder width. Palms should be turned away from himself. Tighten your abs and slightly pinch the blade. Keeping your back straight, gently pull your elbows to the body. It's easier than go up. After you touch the crossbar with his chin, slowly lower the body down.
Do not relax your hand sharply, it can lead to injury. It is better to try to lower body two times slower than raised. This will give a significant load on the triceps.
Major muscle groups receiving the strain during pull-UPS, shoulder girdle, back muscles, arms and abs.
To adjust the load, is sufficiently different to place the hands on the bar. The greater the distance between your hands, the higher the load on back muscles, especially the widest.
If you want to increase the load on biceps and forearms, grasp the bar in reverse grip, when the palms are organized to itself. In addition, when a narrow formulation of the hands get a good workout the chest muscles, but the main work is precisely due to the strength of the arms.
Narrow reverse grip also trains the deltoid muscle. To pump the trapeze, it is better to use a reverse grip with a medium hand, and when lifting be sure to try to touch the crossbar of the upper part of the chest. If you pull will bring the bar behind your head, in addition to the trapezius muscles, you pump the top the broadest and round muscles of the back.
Don't forget about the press. Leg lifts free of visa on the bar – one of the best exercises for the core muscles. They allow you to pump not only all muscles, but also muscles-the stabilizers of the body. Don't swing on the bar to not work due to the inertia. Hold the body still and raise your straight legs as high as possible.
Perform three sets of 8-10 repetitions. The last lift must be performed at the limit of strength. Only in this case it is possible to achieve muscle growth. If you can easily perform 12-15 repetitions, increase your working weight by using different weights.
Between sessions be sure to arrange a day of rest so that the muscles have time to recover. It is known that the growth of muscle fibers occurs during rest.