If you are interested in the profession of surveyor and the fields that can be obtained at the institutes of geodesy and cartography, you should pay special attention to the study of such General education subjects as Russian language, mathematics, geography, history, social science, Informatics and information and communication technologies. These things you have to pass the entrance exams. For admission to any faculty will need to pass three exams, but what exactly, depends on the faculty and the specialty you choose for yourself. Form of exam – test, but the exam on civics and history is in oral form.
Read the rules of admission to the Institute of geodesy and cartography. They are developed annually, but for recent years remain virtually unchanged. The Institute is set annually and the minimum number of points required for admission. The results of the exam are recognized as results of entrance examinations in General subjects. Estimate your chances at the insertion points, which were installed in previous years.
To increase the probability of admission, future students have the opportunity to attend preparatory courses. If you live in Moscow or Novosibirsk, sign up for classes and in the evenings you will be able to come to the Institute of geodesy and cartography, where secure the material that you teach in school. If you don't live in any of these cities and feel that school knowledge is not enough, you get the opportunity of extra lessons in mathematics, Russian language, geography, science and social studies.
Will help you when entering competitions 1, 2 and 3 levels. In this case, you will have the opportunity to enroll without entrance examinations, which correspond to the profile Olympics. You can also be equated to a person receiving the maximum number of points for the exam in the core subjects.