You will need
  • - computer with Internet access;
  • program emulation drives.
Perform payment service "Mobile Bank" via phone. Send with payment card message to the number 900 with the text in which you want to specify the replenishment amount, the minimum amount is RUB 100, and the maximum is 10000 rubles. Next, enter the last four digits of the card number.
Make payment in favor of the associations for this form and send to number 900 SMS message in the following format: payee (enter the letter code of the recipient of the payment, e.g., Avon), then enter the props (the props of payment in its role can act, account number, agreement). Pre-requisite must be specified in the order/pattern.
Next, enter the amount (the amount of your payment in rubles). Limits on the amount similar to the previous item. Then enter the last four digits of your card.
Perform payment billing payment. To do this, send a message to the Bank with the request to conduct this payment and you will receive an SMS confirming the transaction and containing the details of payment. After this form and send to number 900 SMS with the following data: payee (enter the letter code of the recipient, for example, EIRTS), then enter (+), this additional parameter is used for payment on account of insurance. In this case, plus is made immediately after recipient.
Next, enter the requisite payment, for example, payer code, 1234567890. Then specify the period for which the payment is made, it is necessary to enter number of the month. This parameter is optional. At the end enter the last four numbers of your card. Mandatory this information is only in the case when the phone number is tied to multiple payment cards.
Settings separate the characters -, ., #. If in this period, or do you have no debt, the response message you will receive 10. If a debt exists, you will receive an SMS to confirm the transaction with a special code. Send it unchanged to 900 to pay the debt in the "Mobile Bank".