
  • 250 g of ham;
  • 250 g of cooked sausage;
  • pair of Laurel leaves;
  • 1 onion;
  • sunflower oil;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • 160 g fresh mushrooms;
  • 700 g Turkey wings;
  • 250 g of smoked sausage;
  • 50 g lemon;
  • 120 g olives, pitted;
  • a couple of pickles;
  • parsley;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste.


  1. First boil the broth from the Turkey. To do this, put in a pan the washed meat and fill with water. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil. The foam must be removed, then the fire can be reduced. The Turkey will cook for about 2 hours. Once the broth is cooked, to drain.
  2. And while the broth is cooking, you can prepare the other ingredients. You need to peel the onion and to wash it, then chop the onion. You also need to do with pickles or just grate them on a fine grater.
  3. Then you need to prepare the pan where you pour the sunflower oil. Put it on the fire. Then put back the chopped onion, sliced cucumbers and tomato paste, add 50 ml of broth. If not, you can add water. Mix well.
  4. Then stew the onions with pickles and tomato paste. The ingredients need to stew for 10 minutes on low heat.
  5. In the pot with the broth you need to put sauteed mixture of onion, cucumber, and tomato paste. All cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Need to do the mushrooms. It is best for this dish will fit the mushrooms. They must be carefully washed and cut, place in pan.
  7. Then you have ham, boiled and smoked sausage grind in the form of small cubes.
  8. Take the boiled Turkey and separate the meat from the bones. Then finely chop.
  9. In a pan sent chopped meat and all the sausage. There also put Bay leaves. After the soup will need salt and pepper to taste. But it must be remembered that the cucumbers and the sausage is so salty. Cook everything for 10 minutes. In the end, you can add olives.
  10. The top should be sprinkled with chopped herbs. Serve soup need with a slice of lemon and sour cream.