Passion came to us recently. Its homeland is Brazil. There are about one hundred species of this plant. It grows on huge vines and blossoms and white lilac flowers. For growth of passion fruit requires a particular environment. Must be very Sunny and warm, but not quite like in the desert. Passion fruit has a light green or dark green rind. It is believed that if the fruit is rough, it is more ripe than smooth to the touch. Reached maturity the fruit is quite large, and inside is very juicy and flavorful.

Passion fruit contain a lot of vitamins as well as carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, and other minerals. It is about 35-40 % of the juice.

The fruit has a very favorable effect on the bowel, it can be used as a mild laxative. Has the ability to excrete uric acid.

It is very useful for people with problems in the urogenital system and liver, and complaining of low blood pressure (hypotension).

Passion fruit juice is good for sleeping, acts as a sedative, improves elasticity of the skin. No wonder it is used by cosmetologists, creating special tools for skin rejuvenation. It is also able well to clean oily skin.

Nutritionists also speak well of maracuja. Because it promotes weight loss.

The fruit fights cholesterol in the blood, and as a result decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The juice of the plant reduces the growth of cancer cells. Seeds can also be used as a therapeutic agent – they have a sedative effect.

The peel of passion fruit is poisonous, but is the fruits, in which it is edible. In this case, the peel is used in cooking jams, candied fruits.

In folk medicine maracuja helps people suffering from gout and rheumatism (it weakens pain), asthma, depression,

In some countries maracuja considered an aphrodisiac, but most scientists can these to argue. It is sold in any supermarket or market. Store it preferably in the refrigerator, but not more than 5-6 days.

And an unripe fruit will ripen well at room temperature.

As for the aphrodisiac properties, even if scholars don't believe that, in many countries maracuja used for amplification of the passion.

There is only one contraindication: to eat maracuya prohibits people who are prone to allergic reactions.