Buy a ticket, "Lotto Zabava" to the next lottery. This can be done at special sales points. Find out where they are located, you can apply on the official website of the company "MSL": Go to the website, select from the list of regions, one in which you reside and read the list.
If you want to try your luck and take part in the next drawing, start calling since the announcement of the broadcaster of interactive play during the broadcast of the program until 19.00 on Saturdays. From a landline phone to call for room 0-900-305-929 (call cost 1.5 HR/min), mobile – to number 105 (1 UAH per connection). Don't forget that your call has been registered, you must present ticket on the edition you are trying to get.
The ticket you bought, and must meet a "qualifying score" telethon. If the last digit of your number matches what is listed on the ball that fell before the start of the main draw, you have the right to call on these phones.
Please note: during the draw calls are accepted as operators of the Studio, and answering machines. To be among the five lucky interactive games "Ugadi colour – otimai money!" (however, as "Polyanna for the prizes") is very difficult, and there really can only speak about luck, as the recruitment of participants takes place literally in seconds.
Try to get through to the Studio with a few mobile phones from mobile and stationary. You may be able to get through if you first watched a few programs in a row and calculated the approximate time when the host announces the start of interactive games.
You can try to get to the number of participants in the lottery and after the broadcast, call on the answering machine. Since all calls recorded, in the case that the computer will choose you to participate in the next edition, you'll learn about it next Sunday.