You will need
  • coupon Aliexpress
  • - means of payment
All coupons for "Ali" are divided into two groups: AliExpress Coupon and Seller Coupon. In the first group can find all the discounts you can get for participation in competitions or during promotions. Sales on this site are held regularly: to whet the excitement of buyers, in anticipation of the sale of the booms is arranged a raffle coupons that give let small, but a discount.
In the second group are the coupons seller, you can find them on the home page of his store or on the product page, usually in the left column.
Also some sellers give a Fixed Discount, which is valid regardless of coupons. If you took goods to the amount of the discount, the discount is calculated automatically. For example, if you order $ 100 or more from this seller, the purchase price will be $ 5 less.
To see what coupons you have, log in to your account and select "My coupons" (My Coupons).
All Coupons — all coupons, ever credited to your account.
Valid — valid Unliquidated coupons.
Inactive — coupons spent on purchases that have not yet been received.
Used — redeemed coupons for completed orders.
Expired — everything that wasn't used in time.
Please note the face value of the coupon and its validity.
Spend — the amount which begins to act discount.
Get ... of – discount amount.
Valid Time — the period of validity.
In this example, the order must be for $ 27 minimum (Only valid on order over US $27.00 ), and will have to pay only 7. You need to use it before 17 Mar 2015. After this period, the coupon status will change from Valid to Expired, the discount will disappear.
When ordering, you can use three types of discounts: Fixed Discount AliExpress Coupon and Seller Coupon. In this example, total savings amounted to $ 30.
You can use one coupon from "Aliexpress", having several orders from different sellers. To do this, scroll all the cart to the end and instead of pressing the "Order from this seller" click on "Checkout". Further steps are similar to buying from one seller.