There are different definitions of free services for domain registration, they are often the same and register selected. To begin, open any client-browser on your computer, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera.
Log on to any search engine: Google, Yandex, Mail, Rambler.
Enter the search string one of the following: checking a domain name, check domain, check domain, free domain, or any other similar option. In the list of search results the system select one of the sites, and navigate to its page by clicking on it in the list.
On the main page that opens the website you will see the entry line, where you will need to enter the expected name. Right or bottom (in some systems the location varies) you will see the options proposed blast zone. They are of two levels: organizational and regional areas.Of the proposed select and check on it employment intended domain in the network. Your results may vary, based on the request domain zone. It can be as com - commercial (commercial) zone and zone biz - for businesses. Or you can choose to check the domains of the countries. For example: EN – us, Russia, kz – Kazakhstan, ua– Ukraine.
Enter the desired name of the future domain, check his unemployment in all chosen domains or desired. Do I need to enter each time a new combination or you can check all at once depends on the service you entered. The system will search you free and busy, perhaps even with a link to who owns domain occupied and cost free. Based on these, select the domain and register it in the online system by selecting "register domain".
Follow the site prompts by performing the step-by-step.