What is the electronic purse?

The main advantage of payment systems is the ability to transfer and receive funds in a matter of seconds from anywhere in the world.

With the help of electronic money, you can pay for Internet, utilities, fixed and mobile telephony, cable TV and goods in most online stores.

In addition, the electronic purse is simply necessary for people working remotely. It allows thus to get the earned money or fees.

Payment system WebMoney

Money WebMoney is a proven system of electronic money that exists in Russia for several years. Its main advantage is the ability to work with different currencies. The system includes the marks, which value corresponds to a specific currency:
• WMR – equivalent RUR;
• WMZ – equivalent of the dollar;
• WME – equivalent to Euro;
• WMU – equivalent of Ukrainian hryvnia.

The Commission system for transactions is 0.8%. Note that to work you must have a passport not lower than formal. To obtain it you will need to specify your passport data, mobile phone number and send the scanned copy of the main passport page.

Electronic purse Yandex Money

To make the purse in system Yandex is perhaps the easiest. To do this you need to have e-mail and account. Then you need to link to "Money" inside the mailbox.

In contrast to WebMoney Yandex Money can be anonymous. For transactions you don't have to enter your personal details. However, this payment system works only with rubles and has a 3% fee.

QIWI wallet

QIWI payment system fairly quickly gained popularity. Not so long ago appeared the possibility to pay in dollars. To open an account, you need only a mobile phone number. For your password, which must be entered in the registration form. The Commission system from 0.5 to 3%.

All payment for his own good. To choose a suitable option for yourself, find out what payment system is used by your company.

If you constantly have to exchange currencies or you are working with dollars, it would be better to have a WebMoney purse. If for you is more important simplicity and ease of use, you should look for QIWI or Yandex Money.