The apricot is a southern plant, so it loves heat and light. According to these criteria and you should choose a location for the transplant. It is best to place it on the South side of the site, protected from direct blowing winds.
Deciding on transplantation of apricot, a place for a transplant should be prepared in the fall. The size of the holes under the roots of the apricot should be such that it is two times the projection of the branched crown of the plant. The nearest trees should not be less than three meters. The depth of the pit depends on the age of the tree, i.e. the branching of its root system. The bottom of the pit must be covered with a layer of good drainage gravel, dry branches.
Drainage pour a large layer of earth. For this sod, the soil need to mix with organic matter from humus, but if the soil acidity, add lime or dolomite flour. If the soil is poor, the pit for replanting should be sized larger. This will create favorable conditions for the development of the root system.
Useful in prepared soil add fertilizers such as superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. Thoroughly mix the fertilizer with soil to eliminate root contact with the fertiliser, because it can cause burning of the roots. If the clay soil, prepare the earth out of clay (red only), sand and peat
A tree set in the hole vertically, spread the roots and begin to fill the earth. Land tightly tuck, but no stamps-just to make sure the plant is well fixed.
Around the barrel to form a mound, not falling asleep part of its basal region. After planting a circle of the root system is necessary to dig a shallow irrigation ditch. The tree should be well watered.
Watering after planting and during summer season produce regularly. To fall reduce its intensity to stop the growth of roots, and then stop watering altogether to reduce the activity of the roots to the onset of winter. After harvest, the apricots can be watered to recover the vitality of the tree, which was spent on the ripening of fruits.
Care for a transplanted apricot is regular loosening of the root circle and weeding. The rest of the concern is, as usual for fruit trees, pruning and removing dead branches. In winter, the trunks of apricot wrap if the tree grows in the harsh climatic conditions. Although the apricot is resistant to drought, it is better to create him comfortable, then he will bloom profusely and bear fruit.