The first signs of HIV infection may not appear for quite a long period, however the virus intensively replicates in the human body. At an early stage of the disease HIV symptoms appear only in rare cases, they are very similar to signs of a cold fast pass, and people will soon forget about them. To suspect HIV infection if the following signs. The man suddenly increased body temperature to 38оС. In some cases it lasts a few days and then comes back to normal. The weakness, lack of energy. Sometimes these symptoms are transient attacks, and in some cases, there constantly, for a long time.
The main symptom of HIV infection early on is swollen lymph nodes that you can identify yourself. You need to find the lymph nodes in the neck (tonsils), in the area of the armpits and feel them. Some of the first signs of HIV can be expressed in neurological symptoms: photophobia, eye pain, headache. There may be rash on body, sores on mucous membranes. These symptoms are not always manifested in the presence of the virus in the body. People may not be aware of the disease for many years. On average, from infection to AIDS may take 10-12 years (if untreated). There is a perception that the body of men HIV is evolving faster than women.
Over time, HIV infection continues to develop, the immune system weakens. The patient observed: rapid weight loss, prolonged fever (>1 month), chronic diarrhea (over 1 month), persistent cough, oropharyngeal candidiasis, generalized pruritic dermatitis. There are the first symptoms of AIDS. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the most dangerous stage of infection terminating in death of the patient. Its first symptoms include the development of common diseases (herpes, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.). In the presence of HIV that turns into AIDS, these diseases can cause a deadly condition. At present, HIV infection cannot be cured by any medicines. However, modern medicine will help to push the development of the disease for a considerable period, to improve the length and quality of life of the patient.