You will need
  • - Bush hibiscus;
  • the seeds of hibiscus;
  • - sharp blade;
  • - the lightweight soil based on sand and peat;
  • - pots;
  • - plastic bags.
To propagate the plant by seed is quite simple, besides it is possible to obtain a large number of new plants. Hibiscus seeds are sown in the winter in late January — early February. Before planting, seeds need to be soaked. Lay them on a damp cotton cloth and cover with a damp material.
For planting, prepare the lightweight soil based on sand and peat. Also, the mixture you can add chopped sphagnum moss. Fill with soil plastic cups and moisten it.
Plant seeds in moist soil. Put in a plastic bag, tie it and place the greenhouse in a warm and Sunny location. In favorable conditions seedlings appear in a week. After this package can be removed, and when the young hibiscus will appear 3 true leaves, they need to raspikirovat in individual pots. After 3-4 months the hibiscus can be planted in a permanent place.
Despite the fact that this method is fairly simple. He has a number of disadvantages. First, the flowering of young plants grown from seeds will come in a few years. And second, the new plants may not replicate the quality of the parent instance. For example, instead of Terry flowers, you can get a simple.
To a plant fully repeated qualities of the mother, the hibiscus is propagated by cuttings or division of rhizomes. Cuttings provide the most predictable results, but to root them quite difficult. You need to be very large number of planting material.
As cuttings for propagation of hibiscus take shoots remaining after pruning. It can be done at any time of the year but the best time for grafting is early summer.
Cut the cuttings a sharp clean blade at an angle. The optimal length is about 10 cm, in addition, the handle should be 2 or 3 leaves. Rooting cuttings can be prepared in water or in soil.
In the first case, place cuttings of hibiscus in a container filled with settled water at room temperature. The top cover all the other transparent container or plastic bag. It is necessary to create a certain humidity.
Ventilate the greenhouse daily and change the water in the tank every few days. Already after 7-10 days, you should see the first roots, however, usually only a few rooted cuttings.
Plant cuttings with roots in individual pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Put them in a bright place, occasionally watering.
When rooting cuttings in the ground hibiscus grow more healthy and strong. Remove the stalk with all the leaves, leaving only the top 2 and put them in prepared moist soil. Cover the cuttings cut off a plastic bottle and leave for a few days. At this time, periodically ventilate the greenhouse and water the plants. The hibiscus is propagated this way, can bloom in the first year.
The easiest way is to divide the rhizomes. The old plant out of the pot. The earth shake and divide hibiscus in 2-3 pieces. Damaged roots sprinkle of crumbled charcoal.
Will plant them out in a separate container and moisten. Put in the shade for a few days, and then move the hibiscus in a Sunny location and care as usual. The only drawback to this method is that it will result in a small number of new plants.