Why keep photos in the network Instagram

News not even the most active user Instagram is updated so quickly that sometimes to find seen yesterday or the day before a photo is not just difficult, but almost impossible. Many users really miss the "Save" button, to copy your favorite picture, so you have to find workarounds.

Save photos to phone

The easiest way to keep the photo of another user is to use the "Share" function built into the standard application for iPhone or smartphone on Android. In this case the photo will appear in your own feed and will be saved in the same folder, which are composed of other photos processed with Instagram. The drawback of this method is obvious. Namely, the photo doesn't just continue, but will become part of your tape, and want not all.

Of course, you can make a normal screenshot and then crop it in your graphics editor to size the images. But not all know how the screenshot is. Most often this is achieved by simultaneous pressing a certain combination of phone buttons, with the method that is triggered on one phone model to another may be completely non-functional. And the resolution of such images is rather mediocre.

For more or less quality photos will have to use side application. Users of iPhones and ipedo for these purposes may install the program Gramory, which will not only save photos, but she is essentially a full-fledged instagram client with a lot of additional opportunities. Those who has a device on the Android platform, it is better to pay attention to the application InstаSave. This program allows you to download all of the photos marked " during viewing of the tape, then the huskies will be easy to remove.

Save photos to your computer

If all the above methods seem too complicated, or simply when you want to save photos straight to a computer, you can use the free software InstagramDownloader 2.0. You will need to launch the app, enter in your search string the name of the user who uploaded the desired photo. After clicking on the arrow in the program directory as a text file saved direct links to the desired photo.

It is easier all the same can be done using the service instagrabbr.com. It does not have anything to install. Enough to link to, also enter the user name to open the photo and keep it in a standard way: click the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate context menu, or just pressing the button Save image.