How does zinc oxide

The drug is easy to cope with small skin damage. He quickly heals the small wounds, disinfecting them and relieving inflammation. And ointment slightly dries the skin. This is particularly valuable in the treatment of weeping lesions.

Do not confuse zinc ointment paste lassara. The first is the zinc oxide on the basis of vaseline and paste lassara there's more salicylic acid. It enhances the drying effect of zinc oxide.

Zinc ointment is applied only externally. Before this you need to remove from the patient area all the makeup, clean your skin, wet a cloth or towel, and then apply the medication.

Critical condition: the more nourish the skin with the ointment, the faster it will heal. It is usual to apply it at least five or six times a day. Then forms a permanent protective layer of ointment, and it acts as efficiently as possible.

When the ointment helps

Irritation and trauma to the skin

Some house plants can cause redness, rashes, small bubbles. For example, monstera, dieffenbachia, Anthurium, some ivy. In such skin inflammation zinc ointment is very effective. If you superficially cut my finger, burned my hand, I scratched his leg, lubricate her sore spots, and they also heal quickly.

Diaper rash

In babies they occur due to skin contact with urine and faeces. Zinc oxide protects her from irritants. Many generations of mothers have successfully rescued their children from the scourge of zinc ointment. To the baby's skin clean, healthy, apply it every time, changing diapers. The maximum benefit from it – when the baby's skin before greasing completely dry.


One to get rid of acne on the face ointment is very good, others not. What's the matter? It depends on the depth of the lesion tissue, and from the hormonal condition, and the degree of neglect of treatment. You should not rely only on the ointment - both taken orally and drug zinc. Some doctors recommend combining zinc ointment eritromicina.


Zinc ointment is recognized as one of the most effective medicines in the treatment of this disease. One ointment to cure it. But, acting symptomatically, it significantly relieves and accelerates the healing of hemorrhoids, fissures.


This is a consequence of the disruption of skin pigmentation, mainly in women. Zinc ointment often helps to remove brown spots or to lighten them and make them not so noticeable.

UV protection

Many just want it for cosmetic effect, and when predisposition to cancer of the skin, such protection from harsh sun rays is a must, especially in summer. Zinc ointment is the only harmless drug, which can be used as a sunscreen for infants of very tender age – from the first days of life up to six months. Zinc oxide is not contraindicated in women during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

When the cream does not help

It makes no sense to use it in acute infections of the skin. The antibacterial properties of zinc oxide is not strong enough to cure them. There is a need for a strong antibacterial, antifungal, antibiotics.

Will not help ointment and severe acne, boils, deep wounds, chronic ulcers, hematomas.

The tolerability of the majority of the people are very nice. But sometimes, though rarely, increased sensitivity to zinc oxide. Then you can be itching, tingling or burning at the site of application of ointment. In case of allergic reactions to apply it, of course, impossible.

Simple allergopharma will help to know whether or not to fear zinc ointment. To do this, apply a small speck on the wrist or the elbow. If after three or four hours, the skin will remain unchanged, so no allergies.

Zinc ointment - not one of those drugs that give instant healing effect. Criticize her are mostly those who have no patience for long treatment.