To begin, rate the severity of poisoning. If the dog vomits first feed the masses, and then mucus, bile or blood, she's got colic, diarrhea, periods of anxiety followed by periods of apathy is acute poisoning. In this case, immediately show the animal to the vet, who will prescribe the right treatment depending on what poisoned your pet.

собака не кушает

If it is not possible to go to the vet immediately, wash the dog's stomach. To induce vomiting, give your pet plenty of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (it should be pale pink). To do this, put your dog's head and insert it between the molars the syringe or the syringe with water (of course, the syringe should be without a needle). To induce vomiting, you can give the animal the infusion of the root of ipecac, press your fingers at the root of the tongue, at least, give a spoon of mustard. Then give the animal mineral oil, it coats the stomach wall and prevents the absorption of most poisons. In any case, do not replace mineral oil – it has the opposite effect! And take the dog to the veterinary clinic at the first appeared possibility.

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If the dog is not acute poisoning, you can give her an ordinary activated carbon, which is available in every medicine Cabinet, at the rate of one tablet per ten pounds of body weight. Also when poisoning is very good "Enterosgel". For a couple of days, the animal can be put on a diet. Nevertheless, you should consult with a veterinarian, because many dangerous diseases may initially look like a trivial poisoning.

что едят собаки

It happens that dogs eat poison, carefully left the utilities for rats. If this happened to your pet, in two or three hours he will have paralysis of the respiratory organs – an animal is choking, mouth foaming, legs trembling, starting to convulse and vomit. In this case, the dog must urgently introduce vitamin B6 is based on the weight of the animal and immediately contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, death occurs within 4-5 hours.

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