The talents

There is a misconception that in order to drive a car, you need to have a specific talent, without which nothing happens. This is absolutely wrong. After all, driving skill, like any other, is achieved by long training, care and perseverance.

To control the car enough to learn the rules of the road, for virtually any adult, and learn to perform a few simple actions: to start, brake, change gears and watch the road. And also to be able to concentrate, to keep my emotions under control and to turn all your attention while driving on the road.
During the first trips in the city, if suddenly there will be panic or confused, turn on the hazard lights, pull over and calm down.

How to drive

The basic steps required to manage any vehicle, often lead to automaticity in driving school. So all the problems associated with the inability to force myself to sit behind the wheel, the newbie occur solely in the head.

In this case, extremely useful and effective is auditory training. Before you get behind the wheel, take a deep breath and say to myself, well aware of the rules and imagine what you can do in a difficult situation, you are confident in your abilities. Because of this simple exercise is much easier to tune in the desired fashion and to get rid of excess nerves.
For the first independent travel on the city select weekends and holidays. At this time, the movement is not very intense, and it will be easier to concentrate.

As often as you can practise driving. Bring all the movements of driving automatic. Besides, after a few times on the same route in the future will be much easier to overcome it. I've already known all the signs, out of the way, and the various nuances associated with the bumps on the road, the favorite places of a congestion of pedestrians, streets are often traffic jams.

Not in a hurry. Drive slowly. Due to the low speed, the novice driver manages to control the road, signs, pedestrians, and follow the movement of oncoming motorists. Gradually, the reaction time will decrease and the above steps will be performed automatically for a shorter period of time. Then you can increase the speed.

Believe in yourself, and then driving very soon, instead of the stress will begin to be fun.