Innumerable admirers of these small independent whiskered predators that walk by themselves. As has become clear, it will be about cats. These Pets are beautiful from nose to tip of tail, and especially touching them chubby heels and the bean-like toes on their feet.

How many fingers in the cat normal

Normal cats on each of the front paws and 5 toes. With 4 of them touch the surface when walking, and the fifth is separated from them and not touching the floor. On their hind legs in cats are normal 4 finger. In total the cats must be 18 fingers.

On each finger the cat has a claw. Order your favorite accidentally scratch someone and did not spoil the walls and the sofas, my claws on them, they can be cut. It goes like this: about once a week the tip of the claw is cut with a special kogterezki, which you can buy at the pet store. Interestingly, after some time, cut off the tip of the claw is removed, like the cover, and underneath is a new, sharp as a needle, tip. If you are concerned that your Mouser will sharpen their claws on furniture and carpets, buy him a scratching post made of durable felt. They come in both stationary and mounted on the wall. Cats love them and enthusiastically sharpening their claws on them.

How many fingers could be the cat

Among cats widespread natural genetic mutation, the result of which is they have extra toes on the paws. This mutation is called polydactyly ("poly" - many, "daktylos - fingers in Greek). She is absolutely not dangerous for the animal, but to modern standards cats with "extra" fingers are unable to participate in exhibitions. So the breeders of purebred animals are monitored to cat-polydactyly not knit and did not produce offspring.

In life the only disadvantage for the owner of a cat, which has more than 18 toes – is that he has cut a greater number of claws. In addition to this, there are legends that these cats bring happiness – that's why they are so popular, for example, of sailors.

The most famous cat-polydactyl live in the UK. She has 7 toes on front paws and 6 on the back, is easy to calculate that the amount of the cat's 26 toes. Otherwise it's perfectly healthy and normal animal, beloved by their owners and, in turn, utterly dedicated to them.