The normal color of urine yellow shades from pale yellow to deep red and yellow. The coloration depends on the concentration of other pigments: urobilin, uroerythrin, urochrome.

First we need to determine whether it is allocated from the urine is turbid, or it becomes cloudy over a period of time. With a long standing blurred cause bacterial contamination and subsequent process of decomposition.

The causes of turbidity of urine

The most innocuous of reasons is dehydration, occurs when people drink insufficient fluid at high physical loads. Such a situation is very easy to fix, just drink half to two liters of water per day.

Encourage turbid urine with flakes can bacteria and mucus, which appears in infectious diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys. In this situation, appear even pain in the abdomen and frequent urination. If the source of infection is common only in the bladder, it may be a disease such as cystitis.

In women, the clouding of urine can occur when contact with her vaginal discharges. Therefore, the collection of urine for analysis is recommended to wash and close the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab.

Change the transparency of the urine may be due to the presence of stones in the kidneys or in the bladder. Renal failure, pyelonephritis, salt in the urine, and administration of various drugs provoke the secretion of turbid urine odor.

Types of urine test

To diagnose the condition of the body, it is necessary to hand over urine for the following types of tests:
- General determines the organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of urine, as well as determines its microscopic structure;
- biochemical – counts the number of proteins, nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances, the level of acidity;
- analysis according to Nechyporenko – controls the amount of red blood cells and white blood cells - usually appointed if the General analysis of urine revealed deviations from normal values.

With the latest analysis monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

To establish the cause of turbidity of the urine, you must consult a specialist who will prescribe the necessary type of analysis. There are the following recommendations for quality indicators in the delivery of the analysis:

- if you are taking medicines that we have to inform the doctor, since it significantly affects the transparency of urine;
- it is impossible during menstruation to collect a urine sample and in five to seven days after cystoscopy;
- it is necessary for the correctness of the results of analysis to return it to the same lab, around the same time.