If you decide to go to the forest to barbecues, don't forget to grab sprigs of juniper. The fact that the combustion in the fire juniper thins a special flavor that can kill all the mosquitos for a few meters around.
For a simple walk in the woods to get dressed so that exposed areas of the body as much as possible. All those areas of the skin that close did not work, you should RUB the fresh leaves of mountain ash or cherry.
Insects like to stick to the face. However, a decoction of the roots of wormwood is able to save from a similar misfortune. The broth is done: the roots of wormwood chopped, pour a liter of water, brought to the boil and infuse for about half an hour. After cooking, you only need to generously wash his face.
Particularly effective in the fight against mosquitoes the essential oil of eucalyptus, Basil, clove, anise. To permanently banish the insects from your house, is wet with oil of these plants a piece of fleece and put it near the window sill.
If you want to protect your apartment from mosquitoes, but decorate it, put in a vase with fresh branches of an elder. The smell repels many insects.
A large room, you can get rid of mosquitoes in no time, vaporizing above the fire source 100 grams of camphor or Valerian.
Do not rush to the store for a replacement unit for electric fumigator. Instead, you can fill the empty bottle one hundred percent the extract of eucalyptus.