Remover paint and hair restoration

Removing paint with paint strippers, some girls are interested in how to restore strands after this merciless procedure. After use wash hair care requires special means – namely, shampoos and balms-conditioners for dry and damaged hair. Well-established funds, which include natural extracts of nettle, hops and millet. They strengthen and restore damaged hair structure.
To achieve maximum effect from body care shampoos and conditioners it is desirable to acquire funds from the same series.

Also get rid of the paint on the hair at the beauty salon, where artists use natural, acidic or staining of the wash. The last two washes extremely adversely affect the hair and can even provoke hair loss. Therefore, after rinsing the paint out of my hair they need to carry out the rehabilitation of strengthening of masks and not to paint until they are restored after the chemical "bombing".

Best remover for hair

Some girls think the best remover for colored hair Estel Color off emulsion, which easily removes even resistant paint. Despite the fact that it is not wholly harmless, it includes a gentle formula, and harmful ammonia and lightening components are completely absent. Remover Estel Color off used by professionals and provides complete safety and careful removal of dye particles from weakened hair.
A wash can be prepared independently from the beer, kefir or cognac – you apply one of these products on the hair, wash it off and make a mask with natural oils.

Also a lot of good reviews and got stings!! Kapous, which is a specialized tool for correcting unwanted color. It gently dissolves and removes artificial pigments from the hair without damaging and not lighten them without affecting the natural pigment. When using washes Kapous on strongly colored dark hair, you should remember that the result will depend on the number of previous color and current hair condition.

And finally, its quality is repeatedly confirmed Colorianne remover Remove Color System, which removes the dye without affecting the natural color pigment of hair and does not violate their diet, unlike traditional decolorizing means. At one time the remover containing fruit acid and protein, will remove at least some layers of cosmetic tint.