What is gonorrhea and how is it manifested?

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system caused by gonorrhea and sexually transmitted diseases. In women, the disease is expressed by symptoms such as: pain in the abdomen and swelling of the external genitalia, irregular menses and the appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina between menstrual periods, fever and pain during urination and intercourse.

In infected men, frequent urge to urinate, it becomes painful and is accompanied by a burning sensation. The opening of the urethra is red and swollen, and from it appear purulent discharge. Thus, the signs of gonorrhea in both sexes is almost identical.

Can develop gonorrhea after oral sex?

The term "oral sex" refers to fondling of the genitals and anus of your partner with tongue, lips and mouth. Cunnilingus means oral sex female genitals, Blowjob male.
Some experts advise brushing your teeth before oral sex because of this hygienic procedure in the mouth can cause abrasions and scratches, through which infection can.

Its advantages include the inability of the damage to the hymen in girls, and no risk of getting pregnant. But when oral sex is carried out with an unfamiliar partner, there is the same risk of Contracting sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal and anal contact.

The reason is that in the mouth of the active partner be other people's genital fluids (semen or vaginal secretions) that contain the gonococcus. And be infected during oral sex can not only gonorrhea, but also syphilis, chlamydia, HIV and even hepatitis in all its forms.

Of course, the risk of infection is orally is not as great as in other forms of sexual intercourse, but still it exists. If you have the genitals, in the mouth or on the lips, cuts and sores the risk increases.

How to know about transmitted if gonorrhea after a Blowjob or cunnilingus?

Gonorrhea, obtained after oral sex, is often asymptomatic and is detected on the results of special tests.
Genital herpes obtained after oral sex, appears cold on the lips. Conversely, ordinary colds rashes on the lips can be a source of infection of the genitals.
However, some features can be expressed in the presence of the following deviations:
- sore throat;
- any lesions on the lips or in the mouth;
- symptoms of hepatitis in the absence of liver failure.

To prevent intrusion such unpleasant and serious disease like gonorrhea, oral sex should be engaged only with a condom (male or female). Spermicidal lubricant for this purpose is not in use.