If you are aware of not only the surname but also the name of a wanted person, contact address office of Odessa (street Sophia, d. 20). However, you will be able to provide this information only with the consent of Odessa. Make a Declaration stating information about yourself, and give it to the staff address service, which, in turn, at the end of the search will contact the Department of internal Affairs of the district, where this man is. The police will notify him that you were looking for him, and there he'll decide to show my face or not.
Purchase the latest edition of the telephone directory of Odessa. If this person has a home phone, you will be able very soon to see him, after calling and agreeing to a meeting.
Useful information may be contained in sites that provide services to people searches: free ( or paid ( There are telephone answering Internet service ( or And fill in the form fields for the search page you can find not only phone number, and home address.
Go to social networking sites. Enter in the search field the name of the country ("Ukraine"), city ("Odessa") and the name of the person you are looking for. If it is not registered in any of them, try to find out from his fellow citizens any information about it or create a focus group dedicated to finding this person.
Visit the sites like ("globe of Odessa") or ("world Odessit club"). Chat on forums, create a new thread dedicated to finding this person or add existing ad. In addition, "world Odessit club" has a special service for people search by name or phone number. Complete the form below and you will be able to know even the number of his ICQ, of course, if he he has.
Sign up on the portal "the World of Golden pages. All Odessa" ( and will post ad in section "Services" in the category "Looking for". And of course you can place ads on the search person and "old-fashioned way" in paper media (Newspapers, magazines).