What to look for when choosing a vibrator
Vibrators can operate from the mains and from batteries. The first type is more powerful and effective, plus they are of higher quality. Sex toys that run on batteries, is not as convenient, but they can be used in any place convenient for you without worrying about the sockets.
Usually, electric models are used for external stimulation, while the device on batteries it is more appropriate to use for interior. In any case, it is important to assess the quality of the device.
Be sure to check what the noise level of the vibrator. The lower it is, the better. Loud noises distract from the process, annoying. In addition, they can be very inconvenient if you plan to use the device in those moments when someone might hear you.
It should also identify the purpose of the vibrator. You can buy a ring for the penis, a device for clitoral stimulation, strap on or other device to stimulate different points. Of course, you should remember that selection of sex toys depends on sex of the person who will use it.
Buying a good vibrator: additional subtleties
Well, if you don't have to hide such an intimate thing from his household. In this case, no matter how small sex toy and how easy it is to conceal. However, if it is important for you to nobody have discovered, choose a miniature model.
There are special "masquerading" vibrators. They have several attachments and can quickly and easily turn into a device for back massage or legs. If they find, nobody will understand that it is a sex toy.
It should also assess the material of the vibrator. Most often we are talking about plastic or silicone. It is important that the surface of sex toys was a nice touch, because otherwise, to use it you can't. If you don't have the opportunity to touch the material, please note that for external stimulation is usually used plastic models, and for the penetration of silicone.
Another important point may be the variety of modes and vibration speed and method of adjustment. For starters, you can try a simple sex toy with smooth control. Later you will be able to figure out which option you like more, and use it. In this regard, all strictly individually.