Where is Ibiza town on the world map

Where is this wonderful place on Earth? You can start with the fact that Ibiza is the third largest (after Mallorca and Minorca) island in the Balearic archipelago. This island is washed by waters of the Mediterranean sea and belongs to Spain. The area of Ibiza is approximately 574 square miles.
Ibiza town is at a distance of 90 kilometers from the mainland (Spain).

On the coast of this island are incomparable beauty of the beaches, mesmerizing green foothills, amazing white sand. And the white small houses have interesting architecture and a huge meadow of flowers leave a mark in the memory of holidaymakers. The blue of the sea and the southern sun and attracts many tourists from different countries. Ibiza is the place there I like to go for a vacation pop stars of world cinema and sports.

How to get to Ibiza

Certainly, Ibiza can most quickly get to the plane. Typically the connections happen in Madrid, in Mallorca and in Barcelona. Airport round the clock takes both Charter and regular flights from many European countries. From Russia, it is best to get to the island on direct Charter flight from Moscow. This flight usually starts in the middle of a hot July and ends in late September.
The duration of the trip from Mallorca to Ibiza is approximately two hours.

If you wish to arrange exciting adventures, you can Mallorca, Valencia or Barcelona to get to Ibiza in the water on the ferry. He walks every day several times. This will be a truly exciting sea trip.

Everyone who loves great entertainment and unforgettable night life should at least once visit this beautiful island. Many film producers and photographers come to Ibiza to capture the wonderful landscapes and magnificent villas.

However, there is a fly in the ointment: the rest of the island is not cheap. Although, there is a more affordable alternative is to go to the Ukrainian Kazantip. Many believe it to be like this place better than Ibiza.

When to go to Ibiza

So now you know where Ibiza is and how you can reach this island. Want to plunge into the exciting world of night life and to relax under the southern sun? Then you should be aware of the climate of Ibiza.

Usually the tourist season on the island opens in late spring in may and ends in late October. Just at this period all the bars, restaurants and other businesses open and operating in full force. Weather in Ibiza from the beginning to the end of the holiday season - from April to October - happy tourists, since the temperature is almost never below +25°. And the water temperature in this period reaches a wonderful level of +26°!