If you decided to have a first dog in your life, you should not choose this breed. This dog should be raised by experienced breeder, with a balanced psyche, a man who really in love with pit bulls. Only in this case, you have the opportunity to purchase true and infinitely loyal to you friend who may present a danger only to the one whose assault poses a real threat to the owner.

This breed was selected for fighting with other dogs and no aggression to the man that he could safely pull apart the fighting pit bulls. Note that all the basic skills of correct behavior can be put in the puppy just under 4 months, so start to raise him already from two weeks of age.

During this period the puppy should be given as much time as possible, it is necessary to talk and understand when you're angry or praise him, the tone. Take care of him, please gently and carefully. Never the Foundation of training dogs should not be fear or the fear of punishment, it should be no signs of shyness and fear of something.

You will need willpower and discipline in order to immediately unconditionally stop all attempts to attack or bite you. The faster the dog will understand your place in the hierarchy, the easier it is for you, and for him, the process of education and training.

In the education limit contact of the dog with young children who may hurt him and cause reciprocal aggression.

Any dog should not be treated as a toy, but pit bulls especially. Be consistent and persistent in their educational activities. If you ban something, it should be banned always and not depending on your mood. The atmosphere in your house should be calm and friendly. Eliminate all the quarrels in the presence of the dog if you don't want to grow him into a neurotic – pit bulls are distinguished by heightened emotionality.
Remember that this dog is very aggressive towards other dogs, this property skreplennoe in the breed. Never go out on a walk with him without a muzzle and leash.