First of all, we must understand that distance learning required self-discipline and responsibility, so the end result is very much going to depend on you. If you are sure that these qualities you do not hold, we can consider the options of distance learning.
Often the correspondence Department are the students who have not passed the competition for day or evening. Not everyone wants to lose a whole year to try to do next time, with no guarantees. That is why they choose distance learning. An advantage of such a choice can be called greater autonomy. Usually students start to work in parallel with their studies, enabling them to accumulate sufficient experience and seniority to after graduation to qualify for good positions.
When choosing a future profession it is necessary to understand that not all knowledge can be obtained by distance learning. In absentia you will not become a doctor or a psychologist, just this kind of training is not designed for such important and responsible occupations. Two or three weeks a year just physically not enough to master such profession.
But the management, design, literature, Economics, programming can be easily resistant to the student with a good memory and ability to find information on the Internet. Moreover, in most cases after graduation and obtaining the diploma you can go for a couple of seminars to strengthen the areas of knowledge in which you are unsure.
If first degree you get at the correspondence Department, it is likely to be a free public University, in absentia if you get a second degree, he will have to pay. Quite often the employer is willing to pay a valuable employee education on certain conditions.