Torn books, outdated technical books, old magazines and Newspapers that do not represent any value and interest to our days, it is best to hand over in points of reception of waste paper. So you can get rid of unnecessary stuff and at the same time to raise a little money.
Fiction and modern journalism can be attributed to the library. However, there are not all the books too worn or uninteresting is unlikely to take. Therefore, it is better to ask about this in advance, by phone. Children's libraries are also happy to accept interesting and colorful books for kids.
Children's books in the normal state can be taken to orphanages. A journalism and art books in the nursing homes. Children will be especially happy to receive a beautifully illustrated edition, and the elderly – novels, classics and detectives.
If your books are kept in good condition, take them to a used bookstore. There each will pay from 10 to 100 rubles, depending on the demand for such literature, year of publication and the condition of the book. Each store has its own payment system, and some give a stipulated amount at once, others after buying your book a different person. In the latter case, the store keeps a certain percentage from the sale.
The collector's edition or complete works can also be taken to a used bookstore or try to sell on the Internet. For the implementation of such literature, there are special sites, for example, or LiberX. There you have to register, describe-selling the edition, specify the price and method of payment. To find a new owner for books can also be through a nationwide free classified ads website, for example, or
To get rid of unwanted books and use bookcrossing - is gaining momentum social movements, allowing to give and receive books without any efforts and costs. To do this, you must register boring literature on the website getting there a special code for each book and stick it on her. Then write the address of the place where you leave registered books and take them there. If you are worried for the safety of your literature, can you put it on the special shelves for bookcrossing - they are in some cafes, subway or other institutions. Information on these is available on the same website or using any Internet search engines. Because of this you will not only get rid of boring books, but will be able to trace their path on the site.