The symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia cause intracellular microorganisms chlamydia. They have attributes of both bacteria and viruses, so diagnosis of such infections is difficult. The incubation period of the disease can last 24-48 hours, it depends on the immune status of the woman. In the first place when chlamydia affects the urinary system. Then there is a loss of the cervix. The infection can affect the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries and the peritoneum. The infection can pass into the rectum from the cervix. Dangerous complication of chlamydia is infertility.
Chlamydia can occur for several months without clinical symptoms.

For chlamydia the woman is worried about itching in the urethra, frequent urination and pain during urination. Observed Muco-purulent discharge from the vagina, burning and itching of the vulva, , and erosive lesions of the cervix. Can be complaints of too much humidity in the genitals, heaviness and pain in the lower back during menstruation. Appear General malaise, increased body temperature, menstrual cycle.

You must know that even with all the prevention of diseases such as chlamydia, cardenales, ureoplazmoz and others, there is no foolproof method of protection, able to protect from infection. Almost all forms of sexual activity carry some risk of infection. However, this risk can be mitigated by having regular sex with a regular partner.

Treatment of chlamydia

The detection of chlamydia as soon as possible to begin treatment. A prerequisite is the simultaneous use of drugs of both sexual partners, even if chlamydia one of them was not detected. You cannot cure the disease folk remedies, the treatment should be appointed by the doctor individually, depending on the degree of severity of the inflammatory process and depending on which organ is affected. Typically assigned to a combined therapy with several effective drugs. For the treatment are the broad spectrum antibiotics: penicillin, a sulfonamide, or a tetracycline.
Speed recovery additionally appointed multivitamin complex.

At the same time the treatment is carried out using immunocorrigirutee funds to maintain immunity. For this purpose injection "Cycloferon". The doctor may prescribe "Azithromycin" or less gentle "Clarithromycin". In some cases, prescribe a course of "Doxycycline" or "Vilprafen". Simultaneously with the tablets can be given medication in the form of suppositories (candles). The patient should follow all recommendations of the doctor to the disease is not passed into the chronic form.

Upon completion of the course a test is analyzed for the presence of chlamydia in the detection of microorganisms it is necessary to re-treatment. Negative tests do not always mean that the person is cured from the disease. After repeated course of therapy conducted follow-up studies on the recurrence of the disease. They do monthly within two months after the onset of recovery.