You will need
  • - metal hammer;
  • - Boxing paws;
  • - help partner;
  • - Boxing paws;
  • - carpal expander;
  • - fixed automobile tire;
  • - jump rope.
Work constantly with carpal expander. Choose the hard instance which will be able to find, and work alternately with both hands. Squeeze the expander sharply, with maximum application of force. This exercise will allow you gradually to get rid of subcutaneous fat on the hands and develop interdigital muscles. As a result, the weight of the knuckle will be larger and the impact is stronger.
If you are not engaged in professional Boxing, and fighting with bare hands, be sure to include in your workout plyometric push-UPS on fistH. Take the emphasis lying on fist's, feet resting on the floor only socks. Slowly lower body down, trying to touch the breast sex. Then a sharp push throw the body up and clap your hands under the Breasts at the time of the flight. Land strictly on his fists. These pushups will develop strength to push both hands, and knuckles will be more rude and insensitive to pain during the infliction of the blow.
Do the exercises on the development of a strong push with their feet. Any punch begins with the push. Approximately 40% of the force and sharpness of the shotand depends on this movement.
Perform daily jumping rope with high simultaneous lifting of the thighs. Try to start from the floor sharply and strongly, jumping up so that the knees touch the chest.
The strength of the biceps plays a shotlast role. On the contrary, strong flexors bothering to apply for really knockout blow. Learn to strike a blows a relaxed hand.
Mandatory exercise for all boxers are training with a sledgehammer. Take a sturdy all-metal sledgehammer and inflicting a blows on road the tire dug into the ground or rigidly fixed in a different way. So you will achieve relaxation of the biceps and inclusion in the work of the muscles that are necessary for drawing the blow.
Working with a partner on the feet, apply a blow, as if trying to punch his paw through. It is proved that immediately before achieving the goal of hand movement is slowed down slightly, and the blow loses its force. So hit the like goal that you are aiming to hit is 10-15 cm further.
The strike is carried out in the time of the Commission of the rotational motion of the housing and transferring the supports with your right foot on the left. To invest in a blow the entire centrifugal force of the body, touch the target with his fist must be done before you touch the floor with the left foot. Otherwise a large part of the power of the kickand "go to the floor".
The most powerful blowyou are applied very quickly so that the enemy does not have time to see them and react. The best way to practice the quick strikes is "shadow Boxing". Do this exercise every day for 10-15 minutes.
To avoid wasting kinetic force of a push, keep the shot went off the shoulder. The elbow and the fist should move in the same plane.
Train to strike the blow, clenching a fist with maximum force at the last moment before striking the target. This will make the shot tough and dry. Up to this point the hand should be relaxed. Practice this skill at a fast pace, alternating between kickyou with his fist and an open palm.