You will need
  • - legal registration;
  • premises;
  • - resolution;
  • equipment;
  • - the goods;
  • - staff.
Develop a business plan. Describe the pros and cons of the products that you want to sell; who will be your main buyers; why they will go to you. If you do not know the answer to the last question, definitely find it. This is the unique selling proposition, about which wrote the famous th marketing F. Kotler, and without which under modern conditions of high competition , the store did not spin. Provide in this document a description of the financial model of the future business. Be realistic, do not uprate the expected arrival of the funds and do not underestimate costs. Than the "life" of a business plan, the more likely that the business will be profitable.
Make a list of requirements of the room. Among the key – it should be at the intersection of pedestrian or car traffic, in that place above all the concentration of buyers. Like any branded outlet, a storethat sells candyshould be placed in the area where it is easily accessed from the nearby streets, it is highly desirable to have a subway station or stop ground transport. With regard to the competitive environment, try to choose a place with no hypermarkets nearby. As a rule, buyers are merchandised in them, because to save the time of trying to buy their "food basket" in the same storeE.
Order the development of the technical plan and its implementation. How to arrange furniture trading hall and subsidiary premises, depends on how the staff is easy to work and customers to shop in your storeE.
Purchase and place equipment. Get the documents for the trade, from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. If your storehas some deficiencies and the Supervisory authorities ordered to correct them, do it as soon as possible.
Develop assortment. Store that sells candyshould have a full line of sweets from dear sets of chocolates to lollipops. Don't forget that products should be designed for different audiences. Kids can draw parents into your store; grandmother buy you your favorite candy to drink vprikusku with tea; the business – looking for sets to gift those or other influential ladies that affect their business; lovers are coming to you to make romantic gifts to their girlfriends. The fuller range of chocolates presented in your storee, the more customers and higher revenue. The only caveat: don't forget about the promotion. Without advertising and PR you're likely to leave is not recognized neither those, nor others.