You will need
  • paper;
  • - gouache;
  • - watercolor;
  • pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - the skin 0;
  • - toothbrush;
  • - unnecessary line;
  • - a knife or blade.
First, think about what you see through the fog. This can be a city, field or forest — whatever. The fog is rarely so thick that through it is not visible absolutely nothing. Usually some of the outlines of objects still can be traced. Draw a landscape or still life in the same technique, which is going to paint the fog.
If you draw with crayons, fog is the easiest way to draw method of grinding. Finely nastrogat pencil white pencil. It can even be crushed in a mortar. Dry brush gently apply the powder on different parts of the image. RUB it across the drawing. This can be done with an eraser, fine sandpaper or even just a piece of paper. It all depends on what sheet you draw and how steady your pencils. For thick heavy paper is more suitable skin, a thin sheet is easier to use an eraser. Part of the picture while also pounded, but the mist of all the objects seem a little blurred.
Mist on watercolor painting can be done in exactly the same way as the pencils. But you can use other methods, for example, erosion. It is necessary until the image is still wet. On wet watercolors wet follow thick brush. In water, add a little shade to make the mist is bluish or yellowish, depending on what colours made the picture.
When painting with gouache fog best done by the method of spraying. Spread a thick gouache. Dip her toothbrush. Napishite gouache thick layer, touching the brush on the edge of a ruler. In order that the fog was not like the snow, take a brush with firm bristles. Try to spray the paint so that the droplets were from each other at a short distance.
Can be done differently. Dilute white gouache paint thinner to make it transparent. Thick soft brush to apply it to the picture in places where there should be fog. This technique is a bit like watercolor because it is also used transparent paint.